5 Reasons to LOVE the Fall Season

5 Reasons to LOVE the Fall Season

Every season has its charms, but we really love what Fall delivers.  It’s time to enjoy fresh air, cool breeze, and beautiful foliage.  So many things about this season revolve around the cycles of nature and we have certain routines and traditions that correspond with temperature, daylight, and vegetation.  Here are our 5 greatest reasons to love Fall and all its pleasures.

It’s sweater weather, it’s pumpkin latte time, it’s harvest season, and it’s Halloween.  Fall equates to so many wonderful things.   We have narrowed our list of Fall-favorites down to the 5 top reasons we love this time of year.   And of course, as with all the wonderful things that we love in life, there are festive Fall Limoges boxes to go with each.  


#1.  Natural Colors

This, of course, has to be the first reason to love Fall!! -- The beautiful hues that surround us as the leaves change color in the Fall is probably the first thought that comes to mind when one considers the glories of Autumn.  Nature shows all her beauty in technicolor, bright and beautiful.  Sometimes when we look closely at those vivid treelines and the leaves scattered about our sidewalks, we find a few colors that really surprise us with their gorgeously high chroma.  It’s time to enjoy the outdoor beauty, go on impromptu nature walks, and check out those arboreal works of art.  It’s not only leaves that will impress you on such outings, but you’ll also be sure to find other fun earthy treasures like acorns, pinecones, and mushrooms.  They come in so many colors, textures, and shapes, you never know what you’ll find, but you can be sure they will be striking.  At LimogesCollector, we do carry porcelain versions of some of the greatest art masters, from Norman Rockwell to Vincent Van Gogh, but our artists also have created some beautiful Fall Limoges boxes which simulate the unparalleled beauty and artistry of the living world.   Our Autumn themed Limoges boxes include beautiful trinket boxes such as our “Red Wild Mushroom Limoges Box”, “Squirrel Eating Acorn on Walnut Limoges Box”, “Chestnut with Mushroom and Autumn Scene Limoges Box”.  Bring the splendor of autumn scenery into your home with these boxes and more from our Fall Limoges collection.

Fall Leaves and Nuts Limoges boxes | LimogesCollector.com


#2.  Comfort Food 

Another wonderful thing about the Fall season is that it brings with it some excellent resources for divine culinary creations as well as festive opportunities to share great food with friends and family.  There are many fruits and vegetables that undergo phenomenal transformation from garden to gourmet.  Pumpkins become spice-filled pies; apples of various varieties become streusels, fritters, and ciders; corn on the cob turns into hearty chowders and irresistible hushpuppies; and sweet potatoes are roasted, mashed, baked, and even candied to become sumptuous meals.   This time of year, this fresh produce becomes the picturesque spread of Fall dining tables, either in their original forms as decor, or cooked to perfection as edible masterpieces.  These foods likely bring back memories of wonderful festive times from Autumns-gone-by -- they are enjoyable to eat and make us feel happy.  We hope you are planning to bring casseroles, cornbreads, and pies to your Fall dinner tables this year and that you enjoy all the flavors of this season.  But, don’t let your mantels and shelves feel left out, -- decorate them with a veritable Autumn feast for the eyes.  We have Limoges boxes of popular Fall produce and dishes that you will enjoy just as much as the real things.  “Corn on the Cob Limoges Box”, “Fall Harvest Pumpkin with Pumpkin Seeds”, “Strawberry Pie in Gold Dish Limoges Box” make a good start for a Fall-food display that will showcase the stars of harvest time. 

Fall Foods Limoges boxes | LimogesCollector.com


#3.  Turning Back the Clock

After summer, the difference in Fall weather may be the most noticeable seasonal shift, but there is another subtle change which also affects the look and feel of our days.  Our clocks undergo an adjustment, falling back one hour.  There may be mixed feelings about Daylight Savings, but we can all agree that the time change and the daylight hours becoming shorter certainly helps to set the mood for so many of the Fall activities we know and love!  Outdoor movie nights can be enjoyed earlier and longer.   Moonlit strolls can be pushed up a little on the schedule, too.  We get one more hour to sleep in our comfy, cozy beds.  And, of course, once Halloween is here the extra bit of darkness is perfect for all the trick-or-treating, haunted hayrides, and costumed dinner parties.   Our “24K Gold Pocket Watch Limoges Box” remind us of what a difference an hour makes and our “Crescent Moon Among the Stars Limoges Box” is reminiscent of the extra little bit of nighttime sky we get to appreciate this season.

Watch Limoges Box | LimogesCollector.com


#4.  Football Season

Starting the first Monday of September and lasting into early January, Football season is in full effect.  Whether you enjoy watching the games at home on your TV with good friends (and great snacks), or you are more likely to paint your face, don a jersey, and cheer from the bleachers, you understand the infectious energy, competition, and communal bonding that is all part of football fandom.  For some, these games offer opportunities to spend time with loved ones that make up a big part of the holiday essence of this season).  It is hard to imagine this sport being centered in any other time of year-- summer would be too hot for all of that running and tackling, and winter would be too cold for optimal game play …. but Fall is jussssst right.  Take your love of the game to greater heights with our football Limoges boxes such as the “Football Helmet with Football Limoges Box”, “Football with Helmet Painting Limoges Box”, “Football Player Bulldog Limoges Box”.

Football Limoges Boxes | LimogesCollector.com


#5.  Halloween

We all know that Halloween is so much more than one day in October.  The excitement begins months earlier -- neighbors start decorating their lawns and porches with spooky ornaments, shops debut creative costumes for everyone in the family (even our pets), and an impressive selection of scary movies become readily available for watching and streaming at any hour.  People of all ages love the thrilling and chilling nature of this holiday and look forward to it all year long.  It's a time to enjoy a little mischief, wear a wild outfit, and consume an inordinate (yet justified) amount of sugar.  Make Halloween Limoges boxes a part of your decoration and celebration this year with some of our favorite Halloween pieces.  Porcelain treasures like our “Halloween Witches Chair, Hat, and Broom Limoges Box” and “Halloween Wicked Witch with Black Cat Limoges Box” “Jack O Lantern Pumpkin with Witch Hat Limoges Box” will all induce spookiness while generating smiles all season long.

Halloween Limoges Boxes | LimogesCollector.com


Make it the Greatest Season of all with a Fall Limoges Box

Once you have a look at all the fun and festive Fall porcelain boxes we offer, “Limoges boxes” may become your new favorite reason to love this season!   

We actually carry thousands of 100% authentic Limoges boxes, featuring our exclusive Beauchamp brand. 

Take a look at our complete collection of Limoges boxes at Limoges Collector! There’s sure to be a fine French collectable just perfect for your one-of-a-kind decorative experience.
