Ultimate Guide to Collecting Porcelain Limoges Boxes

Ultimate Guide to Collecting Porcelain Limoges Boxes

Do you enjoy beautiful objects and decorating your home with eye-catching and meaningful collectibles?  Well, you are not alone!  Millions of people take pleasure in collecting objects that bring meaning and beauty to their lives.

French porcelain Limoges boxes are one of the greatly esteemed and highly-prized collectibles of our time.  These precious miniature art objects came on the scene in the 1770s in France and soon became the collectible of choice for the royalty and the nobility.  The collectability of French Limoges boxes has only increased dramatically with time.  Today, these beautiful art objects are one of the top collectibles worldwide for art lovers and those who enjoy exquisite artistry.

If you are among the many who admire French porcelain Limoges boxes and have wondered how to begin collecting and grow your collection, here are some helpful tips on how to start, grow, organize, maintain, and display your collection.

French porcelain Limoges boxes are loved, admired and collected worldwide.  They are especially prized and widely collected in the United States.

For those who want to begin collecting porcelain Limoges boxes or those who want ideas on how to grow their collection, these tips will stir you in the right direction.

Paris-Inspired Limoges boxes | LimogesCollector.comA small collection of Paris-inspired French Limoges boxes | LimogesCollector.com


How to Start a Limoges Box Collection

To begin a collection, you need to follow a few guidelines in order to create a pleasing and attractive Limoges box collection.  For more detailed advice, see How To Collect French Porcelain Limoges Boxes.

So, you have heard about French Limoges boxes and have seen some pieces and now are ready to begin your own collection.  To start with, we suggest that you select one or two Limoges boxes that you really love and have a special meaning for you.  It would be good if the boxes you choose match in some way, for example by being in the same theme, such as travel, culinary arts or fashion, etc. In this way, they will compliment one another and you can display them together.

You can then build on that theme and add more pieces when you are ready to make your next purchase.

Buy Quality Limoges boxes | LimogesCollector.com

You can also start with Limoges boxes in various themes that spark your interest.  These Limoges boxes can be grouped together or even displayed separately or even alone.

When starting a Limoges collection, your selection of pieces should not be based on the least expensive or a bargain piece.  In making a choice for your first pieces (and all future pieces you purchase), your selection of Limoges boxes should be based on how much you really love the piece and if it is in your areas of interest.  In this way, they will remain as meaningful mementos and you will enjoy them for a very long time.  For more tips and guides on collecting French Limoges boxes, see Limoges Boxes, Important Collecting Dos and Don'ts.


How to Grow Your Limoges Box Collection

As you become more familiar with Limoges boxes, you can periodically add new pieces to your collection. 

The wonderful thing about French Limoges boxes is that they come in numerous themes, styles and subject matters.  Not only new styles are continually added to the marketplace, there are many unique, retired and rare Limoges boxes you can choose from to add to your collection.  So, it is good to always be on the lookout for a new piece you can acquire. 

There are many ways you can grow your Limoges collection.  You can start with one theme and periodically add new pieces that compliment that theme.  You can also choose different themes and add new pieces to each one periodically.

Collection of Desserts Limoges Boxes | LimogesCollector.com
If you have a sweet tooth, collecting desserts and chocolate candy Limoges boxes
can be your sweet spot!  | LimogesCollector.com

Other than Limoges box themes that have a special meaning and relevance in a personal way, a theme that is a favorite with numerous collectors is special Holidays.  Limoges boxes for Holidays such as Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween Thanksgiving and, especially, Christmas, provide a fantastic opportunity to make special collections for each.  In this way, you can display your Limoges collection for each occasion and season to beautify and refresh your home décor.

Being on the preferred mailing list at LimogesCollector.com will benefit you greatly as you will always be in the know for new arrivals, hard-to-find Limoges boxes and suggested pieces you can add to your collection.


How to Organize Your Limoges Box Collection

Displaying your precious French Limoges boxes in the proper manner can greatly enhance and showcase their beauty. 

Limoges boxes can be displayed alone, as a small grouping, together with other complimenting objects, or as a collection all together.  They can be displayed in various places around your home.

Certain points need to be considered when choosing where to display your Limoges boxes for best exposure. 

Limoges box Display Cabinet | LimogesCollector.com
You can place your French Limoges boxes in a designated curio cabinet
and group them by theme | LimogesCollector.com

1.  First of all, the location you choose should be safe so the Limoges box would not be in danger of moving, being knocked over or otherwise become damaged in any way.

2. Secondly, the location you choose should be well lit and easily visible so each piece would be showcased properly.

3.  And, thirdly, you should choose a location such as a fireplace mantel, piano top, side table or a curio cabinet in a prominent place in your home where your Limoges box collection will add beauty and elegance to that room.

A few things should be avoided when displaying your Limoges boxes. It is not good to place many pieces too close together in one place so they are not easily visible.  Limoges boxes are miniature in size.  When displaying them, you should avoid putting them together with much larger objects in one place as to drown them out. 

For detailed examples and more ideas for displaying your French Limoges boxes, see How to Best Display Your Limoges Boxes.


How to Maintain Your Limoges Box Collection

Maintaining your Limoges box collection is easy as they don’t need much care. 

If you display your Limoges boxes in a curio cabinet or closed glass enclosure, you will only have to wipe them clean about once a year.  If they are displayed on a shelf, fireplace mantel or an open surface where they can collect dust, they will need to be dusted and wiped from time to time.

Even though Limoges boxes are made of durable porcelain (the same material as dinnerware), their shapes are very dainty and can crack, chip or otherwise get damaged easily.  For that reason, Limoges boxes should be displayed in a safe environment.

To dust your Limoges boxes, you can wipe them with a soft damp cloth.  To clean the nooks and crevices of the piece, you can use a dampened cotton swab (q-tip).  You should take care not to rub the painted areas, especially gold paint (if any) as the paint may become chipped or rubbed off.  Even though the paint on Limoges boxes is glazed and fired, it is still possible to damage or chip the paint.

For more detail on cleaning and care for French Limoges boxes, see How to Clean a Limoges Box?

 Rare Limoges Boxes | LimogesCollector.com
A collection of Rare and Retired French Limoges boxes | LimogesCollector.com

As a collector, you would want to acquire your Limoges boxes from a trusted dealer who specializes in French Limoges boxes.  In this way, you would not only be guaranteed in getting authentic, hand-painted French Limoges boxes but, can be sure that each piece that you acquire is of the highest quality.

At LimogesCollector.com, we are proud to offer the highest quality French porcelain Limoges boxes.  We specialize in French Limoges boxes and  import our Limoges boxes directly from the top Limoges producers in Limoges, France.  We are also authorized dealers and retailers of various top Limoges brands.  Our collection continually grows and includes the newest creations from Limoges as well as retired, hard-to-find and rare Limoges boxes.  Choosing from over 5,000 styles of French Limoges boxes on our website, you are sure to find many pieces you would love to add to your collection.

So, take a few moments now and browse our website and see which pieces capture your imagination and which once you will add to your collection.

Shop Limoges Boxes Now | LimogesCollector.com

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