What is Peint Main Limoges?

What is Peint Main Limoges?


♦  What does the term "Peint Main" mean? 
♦  How do you pronounce the phrase "Peint Main"?

♦  What does the marking "Peint Main" on a porcelain Limoges box signify? 
♦  Is a mark "Peint Main" necessary on a Limoges box? 
♦  What markings are included in an authentic French porcelain Limoges box? 

Find answers to these questions and more below.


What is a "Peint Main" Limoges box?

Even though “Peint Main” (pronounced "Peh Man") is a French term , it has become a common knowledge term among Limoges collectors and enthusiasts.

“Peint Main, Limoges France”, “Peint a la Main, Limoges France” or “Décor Main” are a necessary part of the insignia of every French porcelain Limoges box.

The French term “Peint Main” or “Peint a la Main” means “Hand-Painted” in English.  These terms are a necessary indicator that the porcelain Limoges box is completely painted by hand by French artisans in Limoges, France.

Some Limoges boxes bear the markings “Rehausse Main”.  This term means “Enhanced by hand” in English.  Rehausse Main marking on a Limoges box indicates that the Limoges box has been decorated with a combination of hand painting as well as a transfer or decal.  These Limoges boxes are usually of a lesser value than those that are completely painted by hand.

The peint main Limoges boxes are created with various degrees of expertise, depending on the level of skill of the artist.  The higher the expertise of the artist, the more attractive and valuable is the Limoges creation.

Rochard Studio Rehausse Main Limoges box | LimogesCollector.com

A Limoges box from the Rochard Studio Collection with the "Rehausse Main" markings
idicating that the Limoges box is decorated with transfers with hand-painted highlight embellishments.


What Makes a Limoges Box Authentic

In order to be considered authentic, every French Limoges box must be marked with an insignia.  The insignia is usually at the base or inside the Limoges box.  As stated above, the insignia must include “Peint Main, Limoges France”.  These markings can be in the form of a decal backstamp, written by hand or a combination of both.  Some workshops or artists include the mark of the maker and/or the initials of the artist who painted the Limoges.  Some Limoges boxes are marked with the limited edition number – although every Limoges box is made in limited editions, whether noted or not.

Backstamsp and Insignia on French Limoges Boxes | LimogesCollector.com
A few examples of Limoges box insignia

To learn more about the authenticity of a French Limoges box, see “Authentic Limoges Boxes – Why You Should Buy Them From A Trusted Dealer”.


How Is The Limoges Box Painted

A peint main Limoges box begins with a blank white porcelain box that comes in two or more pieces.  Adhering to the 200 year old process and tradition of French porcelain painting, the artist mixes each paint color which comes in powder form, with special oils to achieve the various desired shades of color.  Then the artistic effort begins by applying the paint to the porcelain, one color at-a-time.  Since the paints used on porcelain are minerals that must be fired at various temperatures, The Limoges receives a firing at a different temperature (between 800 to 1200 degrees Centigrade).   This process is quite a lengthy one as with each firing, the porcelain has to completely cool down before the next color can be applied.

The order of adding colors is almost extremely important as some colors must be fired at lower temperatures and others at higher temperatures.

The more colors applied to a Limoges box as well as the degree of detailing on the outside as well as inside a Limoges box, increases the value and desirability of the French Limoges box.

Examples of Peint Main Hand-painted French Limoges boxes | LimogesCollector.com

Examples of Peint Main Hand-painted French porcelain Limoges boxes | LimogesCollector.com


Mineral Powders Used For Painting Porcelain

In order to paint porcelain, or Limoges boxes specifically, specially created paints are used by the artists.  These natural paints come in powder form and are either minerals or plant-based.  The pigments used today are traditional and unlike some other mineral pigments, they have never been replaced by synthetic equivalents and are used in painting porcelain today.

The artist, mixes a small amount of powder for each color with special oils to create the colors for each batch of Limoges boxes.  The following are some of the color pigments:

  • Ochre: This common mineral pigment is used to create the colors yellow or red.
  • Sienna: Another common mineral pigment which produces a rich, earthy red. The artist can also create shades of cream or brown from this pigment.
  • Azurite: This pigment is in the upper oxidized portions of copper ore deposits. It is used to create some variations of the blue color.
  • Cobalt: Another mineral that creates the blue color.  Cobalt was discovered in 1802 and was used by many 19th Century artists such as Pierre-August Renoir.
  • Spinels: Hard, crystalline minerals that when heated and combined with other minerals can create the colors yellow, orange, turquoise and blue.
  • Silver and Gold: These minerals used in powder form add beauty and elegance to Limoges boxes.

Color mixing is an art in itself.  The artist has to be very experienced to mix the exact amount or combination of minerals to create just the right color.   Some minerals, if not mixed in the exact correct amount, comes out burnt or cracked in the firing process.

The special paints used for painting porcelain are very specialized and more durable than regular paint.  They are also more costly.  There are many benefits associated with these specialized paints such as creating a thicker, smoother coats and making the porcelain easier to clean.  In fact, they can withstand cleaning without losing their finish or luster.


About LimogesCollector.com

LimogesCollector.com, offers a wide variety of high-quality French Limoges boxes crafted by expert artisans in Limoges, France. We specialize in importing directly from the top producers in Limoges and are authorized dealers of various top Limoges brands. Our collection is constantly updated with the latest creations as well as retired and rare Limoges boxes. With over 5,000 styles available, you can easily find Limoges boxes related to any subject or interest. Our vast collection also offers a multitude of Limoges box gift options for any occasion or recipient. 

Our website also offers a personalization service which makes your Limoges purchase much more meaningful for any occasion.  You can also choose our professional giftwrap service for a beautifully presentable gift for any occasion.

So, take a little time to check out our website and find the pieces that spark your interest and that you'd love to add to your collection.


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